Aimed at kids 3-7, KUNG FU PORK CHOPPERS follows a team of five young superhero pigs and their super-powered pets, who transform from the cutest creatures ever into mega-sized fighting machines with ultra-animal attributes. The KUNG FU PORK CHOPPERS travel through space and time – and even to other dimensions – in their action-packed quest to right wrongs, keep the peace and defeat evil everywhere. Unless, of course, they screw things up even more than they were.
Launching Q4 2023 on YouTube/SVOD platforms and Linear/ Terrestrial channels.
Genre: Comedy, Super-hero, Action adventure
Format: 3D CGI
Duration: 208 x 11’s (54 eps x 4 seasons)
The original Chinese animation GG Bond (Pig Hero) has been localized for western audiences with brand new scripts and consistent, buildable storylines.
If you’re a lover of grand adventure, all-out action and side-splitting humour, then strap on your Splaximal Fight Pack and take to the skies
To quote our porky, plucky leader… It’s time to Kung the Fu!
Representation: Global