Brave Bunnies, a new animated pre-school series from Glowberry, is a delightful show with a quality traditional feel, but with modern and highly relevant underlying themes of diversity and inclusivity that resonate strongly in today’s world.
Brave Bunnies follows the exploits of two brave and curious bunny siblings - Bop and Boo - who, together with their family of Brave Bunny explorers, journey throughout their world on their Bunny Bus in search of new friends and adventures. Glowberry and their co-production partners Anima have developed 52 episodes for Season 1 with Season 2 comprising a further 52 episodes already in development, reflecting the licensor’s commitment to the property.
Every episode in the series starts with a bunny bus-ride and a cheerful song and a “What if …?” moment - a spark of an idea that initiates curiosity and a new round of adventure. Each brave exploration begins and progresses with this question and on each stop, brother and sister bunnies, Bop and Boo, discover different animals, and create new games to help build friendships.
Brave Bunnies shows children the diversity of the world, encouraging viewers to accept differences, no matter how big or small.
Representation: Australia & New Zealand
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